

Bible Text: Galatians 6:7
Unlike magicians who perform abracadabra, God is neither a juggler nor an inyanga. His words are clear to follow (Joshua 1:8). For example, to walk in power and the supernatural, holiness and consistency in prayer through the Holy Spirit is key (Acts 1:8). To experience the miraculous, you need to live by faith (Romans 1:17). Also, there are principles of prosperity. The bible buttressed the act of giving in order to receive more (Luke 6:38). Similarly, Malachi 3:8-12 talks about paying tithes which is 10% of all our incomes, and it comes with a promise that when we obey, God rebukes destroyers on our paths.
“If you are suffering, check your offering and if things are tight, check your tithe.”
A sister who had suffered several heart-breaks once came to us complaining that her latest boyfriend had left. During our discussion, I discovered that she had always been involved in premarital intercourse with them. And I told her, “why won’t they run away? After all, they have tasted and finished a key part of the honey meant for marriage”. Oh! I want to pass my exams but I have failed to prepare. Then I shouldn’t expect a magic (2 Timothy 2:15). I need a miracle but I am living in sin. Who am I fooling? (Romans 6:1-2). Beloved, God isn’t a magus, “as you lay your bed so shall you lie on it”.
God has an unshaken standard! (2 Timothy 2:19). Hence, you want to pray for the grace to be diligent so that you don’t suffer aimlessly. But, are you Born Again?
1. Father, in any way that I have sinned and taken You for granted. Please, forgive me.
2. Daddy, give me a second chance. Help me to do the right thing at the right time.
3. Lord, instil Your fear in me and grant me the grace to obey You to the letter.
The Food of Champions (c) 2016
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Twitter: Kenny_daine
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