

1. Daddy, I want to thank you for the gift of life, a new day, week, the past, present and a glorious future.

2. Father, in the remainder of this year please, seperate me from the companies of losers in Jesus name.

3. Lord! Terminate every evil organised plan to bury my glory this week in Jesus name.

4. Every problem growing with me with my age; inherited curses, poverty, sicknesses and bad luck (mention). Bow to the Lordship of Jesus and be destroyed now by fire.

5. Evil monitoring spirit and forces working against my wellbeing, progress and prosperity in life! Die in the name of Jesus.

6. Henceforth, i receive the grace to stop being my own enemy at all cost in Jesus name.


7. Daddy, this week let your blood speak for me and my family against every impending tragedy, spiritual attacks and crisis in Jesus name.

8. This week! Please Sir, grant me Divine assistance on all my endeavours and cause me to overflow joyfully in Jesus name.

9. Pray for your immediate families, nation, churches, pastors, leaders, the vessel used, friends, the needy and the travellers of the week.

10. No matter your nationality. Please, join up in praying for France, Nigeria, Africa and the middle-east against terrorist attacks, religious and tribal crisis.

11. Father, this week please help me to live above sins and distractions that may rob me of eternity and answered prayers.

12. Thank God for answers to Prayers, even as you ask for major breakthroughs you desire for the week.


How was Church today? You are in for a life-changing encounter with God this week as He shall do major breakthroughs in your life and lineage that will liberate generations to come from oppression, poverty and captivity in Jesus name.

Godly blessings awaits you this week!

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