

Matthew 6:5-15 (10)
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (NIV)

Jesus, teaching how to pray, mentioned several facts about prayer in our text. But, among other essential points was, ‘Your will be done’. In other words, after starting our prayers with praising God, we must also acknowledge His supremacy over our thoughts and requests. Indeed, nothing is as good as bowing to the will of the Father, which is the heart of obedience and joy (Psalms 40:8).

‘Thy will be done’ means that irrespective of my needs and preference, I still submit to what God wants for me. We saw this practical example in Christ when He was to be crucified. Yes! As a human, He wished the situation could be averted yet He said: “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me. Yet not My will, but Yours be done.” (Luke 22:42–BSB). If God’s plan was not fulfilled that day, what would have become of you and me?

Beloved, when we succumb to God’s will, we would not pray selfishly but intercede according to the leading of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26-28). Finally, when we say, ‘thy will be done, oh Lord!’, it signifies that we have ‘David’s understanding’, that before we pray, God’s word is settled; hence we conform to it (Psalms 119:89-96). Therefore, we must think of the ways we have been hindering heaven’s purpose for us and others, and repent!


Hymn: Take my Life, and let it Be – Frances R. Havergal (1874)

1. Lord, forgive my selfishness and self-satisfaction attitudes.

2. Confess: ‘I surrender to Your perfect will, Father, now and forever!’


1. Father, please prosper the works of my hands, according to Thy will!

2. Father, oppose every relentless attacker of my glory.

3. Lord! Cause Your love to flow in our hearts, family, community and the church.


The Food of Champions © 2020
Twitter: Kenny_daine

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