

John 8:31-36 (34)
Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin. (NLT)

Proverbs 4:23 tells us that as a man thinks so is, he. Which means that we are a product of our thoughts, and whatever dictates our feelings and actions, is our master (driving force!). No wonder, Matthew 6:21 says ‘where your treasure is, there, is your heart’. For example, if you indecently value money (materialism), or you hate, fornicate and commit all manners of immortality, among other things; of course, you are a captive of the act. And our text confirms that whoever sins is a slave to Satan!

Beloved, we were all slaves of sin before Christ died to redeem us (Romans 5:6-8). So, we shouldn’t entangle yet again with the world controlled by lust (John 17:13-19). Moreover, regardless of how deceitfully sweet sin is, there is always guilt and consequences (Romans 6:23). No human enjoys bondage or death. We all want freedom, and that’s what Jesus gives! (John 10:10). His crucifixion and resurrection ensured our victory over iniquity and condemnation (Colossians 2:13-15).

Therefore, are you tired of being molested by sin and your past? Oh! How dirty or unforgiving your deeds were, wouldn’t matter if you surrender to Jesus. He will wash you clean (Isaiah 1:18-19) and give you a new beginning (2 Corinthians 5:17).


Hymn: In Christ Alone – Stuart Townend (2001)

1. Lord Jesus, I acknowledge Your saving grace. Please, forgive my sins and give me a life of freedom.


1. My head! You shall no more be a symbol of failure (Prophesy).

2. Any power, reactivating ancestral bondage in my life, scatter!


The Food of Champions © 2020
Twitter: Kenny_daine


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