Continue serving the people. (1)


Matthew 17:21
“But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
Nothing comes easy in life, not even our salvation which was paid for by Christ on the cross (1 John 2:2). Therefore, to succeed in destiny and to maintain spiritual balance; we need to take what’s ours by holy violence or else, we’ll perish on the battlefield (Matthew 11:12). Why? Because life is spiritual warfare! There are principalities and powers set out to hinder you and me from attaining our glory (Daniel 10:12-13). As a matter of fact, there are certain things you personally know you can’t achieve easily due to the nature of your background. For example, there are families where nobody exceeds an average level of achievement amongst other issues. Therefore, do a check today to identify yours!
Today’s Scripture indirectly tells us that to achieve anything tangible in this challenging world we need to move beyond the physical. Oh! It means that those health and conception difficulties, career and business obstacles and foundational curses trapping your glory from shining cannot expire except by fasting and prayer. That’s why I’m inviting you to a 3-day prayer programme starting from tomorrow (September 30 – October 2). Let us load our heavens for a great burst of the miraculous in the final quarter of the year. However, you need to, first of all, be Born Again so that your prayers won’t go into voicemail (Lamentations 3:44).
1. Father, deliver me from prayerlessness and grant me the power to pray my way to breakthrough this weekend!
2. Evil family pattern and curses clinging to my life and children. Break by fire!
3. I reject last-minute tragedy in my life and household.
4. Sudden miracles, laughter and divine turn around! Locate me now!
5. Satanic vengeance crying over my life. Expire by the blood of Jesus!
6. Please, pray for the vessel used
7. To participate in the prayer programme. Please indicate!
“Until you get spiritual, you might never understand the secret to your problems…” – Kehinde Abolarin
The Food of Champions © 2017
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