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Mark 5:21-34 (28)
For she thought to herself, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.”

Some time ago, I was opportune to officiate at a service where the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God gave a short powerful message. Immediately he left, people started queuing up to touch or/and sit on his chair which reminded me of the story of the woman with the issue of blood who had visited several physicians in 12 years spending all she had only for her case to get worse. However, one day, just a touch brought her deliverance from shame.

Beloved, do you know that it wasn’t the physical touch that healed this woman as many others touched Jesus yet they were not healed. But, because the woman knew the power in Christ (vs. 28), so she activated it by that touch of faith (vs. 34). Hmm… how many of us are willing to exercise adamant faith despite the circumstances? I pray! As you faith it out in prayers from tonight, God shall answer you by fire so that very soon, your own shadow would begin to heal the sick as of Paul, in Jesus’ name (Acts 19:11-12).

Conclusively, what actually am I trying to portray? It’s that it could be that you do not have access to your General Overseer’s chair or pastor’s oil and mantles, but more importantly, an unshaken faith (Matthew 17:20) as that of the woman in today’s Scripture is needed to receive through the Holy Spirit when we pray. While, a solid relationship with God as of Paul and others in the Bible (subjection of the body – 1 Corinthians 9:27, holiness and fervency in prayer amongst other things) are keys to performing extraordinary exploits in our generation (Daniel 11:32-B). That’s why you want to pray for power to do exploits. However, are you genuinely Born Again?


1. Father, I don’t want to be an ordinary Christian. Please, endow me with the power to do great exploits.

2. Father, turn my reproach (mention) to my glory announcer.


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