

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (NIV)

One day, a father told his son to jump from a roof promising to catch him. (Though the boy was terrified he jumped), and the father deliberately refused to catch him but said: “Son, such is life. Never put trust in man.” (Psalms 108:12). Hmm…No wonder, a man wanted to cross a tiny bridge and decided to ask God, “Can I hold your hand?” and God said, “No, son, I will hold your hand”. He asked, “What’s the difference?” God replied, “If you hold my hand and something happens, you might let go, but if I hold your hand, no matter what, I will never let you go” (Isaiah 43:2).

Beloved, how many times have we had our hopes shattered by personal beliefs, close friends and relatives, organisations and the government? I’m sure it’s countless! Because man is limited and prone to disappoint as learnt from our story. However, irrespective of the situations within and around, always remember that, as a genuine child of God, nothing can pluck you out of His’ hands. Not even when you go through the valley of death (Psalms 23:4), He’ll be with you as promised in our text!

Are you battling with sin, sorrow, fear, worry, uncertainties and addiction, among other issues? If yes! God wants to hold your hands; to rescue you. All you need do is to put your life in His hands; He is the Sure Keeper! (Psalms 121:5). Accept Him!


Hymn: He Leadeth Me – Joseph H. Gilmore (1862)

From today! I… (name) refuses to trust in human or material things. Instead, I shall entirely depend on God, rest in His safety and enjoy His mercy. So, help me, God!


The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com
Blog: http://www.themancalledkenny.wordpress.com

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