

Ephesians 5:15-18 (16)
Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. (NLT)

A 50-year-old man was contemplating getting his 1st degree; so he went to his dad for advice, and the dad asked how long it would take to get it. He said, 3 years. The father then asked him how old he would be when he graduates. The man said, 53. Finally, the dad asked, “Son, how old will you be in 3 years if you don’t get the degree?”

Beloved, the point here is that ‘TIME’ is of the essence— irrespective of any decisions we make, time waits for no man! Yesterday you were a child, today you’re an adult, and tomorrow you’ll become old with grey hair. No matter how you try to hide the effect of time on your body; it will give way one day, and it’s called ageing. That’s why you need to wake up and not let opportunities pass you by, as our text says. Give your very best now that you’ve the strength. Serve the Lord with your youth! (Ecclesiastes 12:1).

Time is swift! Whenever you celebrate the New Year it tells you your ‘clock’ is gradually ticking to a stop. Oh! Do you know that man spends a 3rd of his life sleeping? In other words, if a man lives an average of 70 years, he would have slept for 23 years. Yet, how many hours do we spend watching TV or operating our phones as against the time we spend praying, studying the Word or getting involved with practices that edify? Think about this! Before you know it, you might have spent a greater portion of your life doing nothing.

Don’t wait until you’re old before you do things you could have done when you were much younger. Time is of the essence. Get up, move and be Born Again!

Hymn: Work, for the Night, is Coming – Anna L. Coghill (1854)

PRAYER: Father, help me to maximise time; to do the right thing(s) at the accurate time.


The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com

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