

John 9:4

We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. (ESV)

Time is the currency of life and a gauge for our purpose (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). No wonder, even our Creator is an organised God whose works are properly timed (Genesis 8:22).

Time is like an account credited daily with £86,400 (seconds). Every night, any part you failed to invest, is written as a loss (no balance carried over or overdraft). Each day, a new account is opened, and if you fail to utilise it; the cost is yours (it’s no man’s friend and never ceases to work). Therefore, when you understand timing such as the children of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32), you’ll invest time, control the day and resources, to get maximum success.

Beloved, what time is it at your end– what are you still bent on achieving this month and year? Is it your business (career) or marital and ministerial plans? Whatever it is! ‘Just Do It’; for, a time cometh when you can’t work, as our text says! (Ecclesiastes 9:10-12). Moreover, “The real-worth of time isn’t in spending it, but in investing it”– Stephen R. Covey.


Perhaps you feel your time has passed. Don’t worry! Just start something; so far there’s life, God can reverse your irreversible and cause you to catch up greatly (Ecclesiastes 9:4-5). More importantly, the time for Rapture is near. Repent and be Born Again!


Hymn: Work, for the Night, is Coming – Anna L. Coghill (1854)

Father, help me to understand the time and my primary purpose of existence.


The Food of Champions © 2019

Twitter: Kenny_daine

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Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com

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