1. Good evening the beloved family of God

2. Trust you had a blessed time with the Holy Spirit while praising God. Glory Hallelujah!

3. The Almighty God shall replenish every strength and virtue in your life in the mighty name of Jesus.

4. The Almighty God shall perfect all which concerns you and household in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

5. You shall be dancing for the rest of your life in the mighty name of Jesus.

6. Everything you need for your joy to be full, receive it in the name of Jesus.

7. No more carryover of negative things. Henceforth, your life shall attract men to God.

8. Whatever the world would see in your life and despise your God, is removed right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. As you have given God the praise today, heaven rejoices over you, and you shall break mighty records, in Jesus’ mighty name.

10. Even tonight, the Lord shall reveal the secret for your advancement in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

11. Every one of your good plans shall attract God’s mercy and grace for speedy completion, in the name of Jesus. Congratulations!

12. Tomorrow is the final day. Please, dance and praise God like never before in tomorrow’s church service.

13. Before then, there would be a few thanksgiving prayers to be prayed after which you can break after the church service.

14. Meanwhile, there won’t be any midnight prayer points tonight. Just spend about 10 to 15 minutes to praise God between 12 and 4 am.

15. Finally, give tangible thanksgiving offering in church, bless the needy/people, and continually praise God always. God bless you!

16. To that fellow, your shame has been traded away by your praises to God. You are free, in Jesus’ name!



August 2 – 4th, 2019





Day 2

Beloved of God, I welcome you to Day 2 of our fasting and praise programme. I like to remind you that Romans 8:26-27 tells us that we don’t know how to pray, but the Holy Spirit helps us. Thus, I encourage you to lean on Him; to assist you in praising God and praying His mind.
Please, follow the instructions, and organise personal sections for your requests (alone with God). I can assure you by the grace of God that you shall experience a massive collapse of the wall of your Jericho when you pray by faith (Hebrews 11:6). God bless you. Amen!
Yours in Christ,
Kehinde Abolarin
The Food of Champions
Instructions: There are three (3) sessions in today’s programme; the morning, noon and afternoon. To start each of these sections, you are to study the key Bible text, pray the seven prayer points and then engage in a minimum of 1-hour praise and worship to God. You may decide to split the hours into 30 mins for six times (It’s up to you but complete the 3 hours today)
Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, respond, do what He says and apply the interpretations from the Scriptures to the listed prayer points, including your requests.
(Morning Devotion)
6:30 am – Praise and worship
7 am – Bible reading and devotional: Exodus 15
1. What did you learn?
2. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you interpret and apply it to your life.
Bible Text: Psalms 100 & 150
1. Father, I bless You for the breath in my nostrils and I declare that Your praises shall continually be in my mouth, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, thank You for being my light and salvation, in Jesus’ name.
3. Father, thank You for picking me up even when the world was against me, in Jesus’ name.
4. Father, You prompted me to engage in Day 2 of this programme, therefore, please accept my worship offering, in Jesus’ name.
5. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, have mercy on me and let not my sins and faithlessness deprive me of divine attention, in Jesus’ name.
6. My pillar of strength, the Lord Almighty, touch me today and let me sing Your praises forever, in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, right now and evidently by the end of today and programme, put a seal of glory on my household and me, in Jesus’ name.
Read and meditate on Acts 2:42-47
1. Father, help me to be addicted to praising You, fellowshipping and prayer life, in Jesus’ name.
2. Dear Lord, as I praise You, fill me with Your awesome wonders now and forever, in Jesus’ name.
3. Every mark of non-achievement and bad luck on my life, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.
4. Angels that will secure my profitable jobs, businesses, visas and contracts, walk and work with me, in Jesus name.
5. Favour of God! Fall upon my life and attract help to me from the entire universe, in Jesus’ name.
6. Henceforth, helpers of destiny shall flood my life, careers, ministry and family, in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, please turn my little to surplus, and cause me to multiply in giving, in Jesus’ name.
8. Minimum of 1 Hour Praise
Read and meditate on Acts 16:16-40
1. As I praise You, Lord, let Your fire enter my foundation to uproot every satanic manipulation, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, let the power of praise, revive my destiny and divine purpose, in Jesus’ name.
3. Foundational problems and the consequences of the evil deeds of my ancestors, break by the power of praise, in Jesus’ name.
4. Satanic barriers and family patterns, affecting my getting married, fruitfulness and prosperity, break by fire, in Jesus’ name.
5. Just as Paul and Silas, regained freedom, as I offer my praises, every prison door holding me down, break open, in Jesus’ name.
6. Lord Jesus, deliver me from every inner prison and the evil police assigned to monitor my progress in life, in Jesus’ name.
7. Evil covenants and curses, dictating how far I can go in destiny, as I clap and worship the Lord, melt away, in Jesus’ name.
8. Minimum of 1 Hour Praise
Read and meditate on Joshua 6
1. Thou stumbling blocks, posing as the wall of Jericho over my life, health and marriage, fall down flat, in Jesus’ name.
2. At the shout of 21 Hallelujahs, my heaven of all-round success, open in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. As I begin to dance and worship my God, you strongman, submit your power, in Jesus’ name.
4. Every power of death and hell, after my glory, die in the name of Jesus!
5. Every mandate of hell, to delay and demote me, scatter at the offering of praise, in Jesus’ name.
6. As I praise God, I possess the gates and cities of my enemies, in the name of Jesus Christ.
7. Every negative consequence behind seeing old places in the dream, scatter by the blood of Jesus.
8. Minimum of 1 Hour Praise
Alone with God (Just Praise God, no prayer requests)
You can now break for 6pm except you are on a marathon, continue in prayers. The Lord shall help you. Well Done!
The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
WhatsApp: +447442419651




Psalms 34:8
Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! (NLT)

To God, be the Glory! I was supposed to have got accelerated to another level at my workplace since 2015. I waited and waited as other people got promoted. Some were even taking the department to court, but I waited patiently and had these two slogans: ‘Delay is not denial’ and ‘For with God, nothing is impossible’. I thank God Almighty, after four full years, there was light at the end of the tunnel.

This happened after my daughter engaged in 3 days Esther fast and I did 14 days. I thank God, for He’s forever faithful.

– Mrs Sally. S (South Africa)

God has been so awesome to my family and me. I am the church’s provincial men’s fellowship treasurer, and last week, we had the zonal men’s convention. It was excellent, and my area stood out in all the activities, especially in population. The provincial and zonal pastors wanted to know how I gathered such numbers of men. It can only be Jesus because even my area pastor used to wonder how God has been using me to lead the men to be effective. To me, it’s a great miracle to see men turn up in numbers to serve God.

These are my testimonies, and I thank God for also making my wife to key into this vision. I have proved that consistent prayer life pays.

– Mr Enobong. U (Nigeria)

Beloved, indeed, as our text says, the Lord is good, and all we need are in Him. Thus, let’s trust Him and continuously share our testimonies to encourage others’ faith (1 Timothy 6:12). And I decree! Henceforth, your life shall experience peace and joys, in Jesus’ name (Luke 1:37). Get Born Again!


1. Praise the Lord, for your life and these wonderous testimonies.


The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
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