

Psalms 22:3
But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. (KJV)
When a man gets praised, he becomes so happy that he does more of what earned him the commendation (Proverbs 27:21). How much more our God who needs nothing but our worship. No wonder, our text affirms that He dwells in the praises of His people. Therefore, I pray! The anointing for thanksgiving and celebrations shall drop on your head today, in Jesus’ name.
When we talk of ‘unlimited praise’, we refer to the relentlessness of the quality of exaltation we render to heaven. I mean, the constant triumphant worship that moves mountain and God to action. For example, in 1 Chronicles 29:10-20, David adored the Lord in the presence of the entire congregation so that everyone joined him. And we could begin to understand why God called him ‘a man after my own heart’ (Acts 13:22 – KJV).
Similarly, after Paul and Silas got arrested and kept in the inner prison, they never allowed their confinement to hinder their worship to God so that at midnight, they offered endless praises and prayers. Then, suddenly, a great earthquake broke their prison chains and doors (Acts 16:16-40). Eh! As you praise God into August, every limitation in your life shall expire, in Jesus’ name.
Beloved, to partake of God’s everlasting goodness and breakthroughs such as David, Paul and Silas enjoyed, make praising God a lifestyle (Psalms 150). Besides, you can join us this weekend as we spend quality time to hail our Father for the blessings of the past, present and what He’s set to do in August. Be Born Again!
Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty – Joachim Neander (1680)
1. Father, clothe me with the garment of praise and let everything about me glorify You, unlimitedly.
2. Go ahead and daily bless His holy name.
The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com
All rights reserved. This material and other digital content on this blog cannot be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from THE FOOD OF CHAMPIONS (thefoodofchampions@gmail.com)




Psalms 121:1-8 (1)
I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? (NKJV)
No man is an island, man will always want. In times of need, to where do you run? Your spouse, parents, pastor, boss or friends? Of course! They are good options, but what if they disappoint? (Psalms 60:11-12). Why do we even label people as bad whenever they fail to help? ‘He’s rich, yet he doesn’t want to assist me. Eh! Stop complaining— Man is limited, only God is ever sufficient!’ (2 Corinthians 9:8).
There was a story of an Arab illegal immigrant who was on duty at a London restaurant when a customer grumbled in arabic (The rich man wanted to buy mansions in London but couldn’t speak English). Luckily, the boy heard him and offered to be his interpreter so that he got £1 Million for each of the three days of engagement. He never returned to the restaurant!
Beloved, there is a God who can move beyond your physical condition to transform your health, career, marriage, spiritual and social status as He did for the Arab boy (who was in danger of deportation). No wonder, in our text, David only fixed his eyes to where help would come (Heaven), because when God decides to uplift a man, his position and location wouldn’t matter, or can you explain how Joseph— a foreign prisoner became a Prime Minister in Egypt? (Genesis 41:37-45). Therefore, you’ll permanently look up for help, and God shall indeed surprise you daily, in Jesus’ name! (Isaiah 41:10-14).
Song: My Help (Cometh from the Lord) — The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir (1999)
1. Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that You are the ‘Help’ of the helpless, the stable and the wealthy. Please, send help to me now and always (Mention).
The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com
All rights reserved. This material and other digital content on this blog cannot be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from THE FOOD OF CHAMPIONS (thefoodofchampions@gmail.com)




Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 (11)
But as I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all so meaningless—like chasing the wind. There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere. (NLT)
What is life? It is what we do during our existence. Everyone has a purpose, and whatever a man achieves during a lifetime will be used to describe him after he’s gone, yet life is vanity!
King Solomon, the ‘wisest man’ who wrote today’s text was so wealthy that in a day, he gave thousands of burnt offering to God. But! Note: he said, one thing happens to both the rich and the poor, which is ‘Death’. In other words, no matter your rank, wealth, status or achievements in life, everything is ‘vanity’ because death is inevitable!
We all know of a military dictator who stole billions of dollars from the national treasury. Shockingly, his death was too cheap than expected and got buried with nothing. Perhaps, he forgot that it all ends here, and till date, his loots are still in recovery.
Beloved, what are you struggling to acquire? Money, houses, certificates or fame? They are essential, but life is vain, and once a man dies, his fate gets sealed (Hebrews 9:27). So, what then do we do in a life that can vanish suddenly? Giving our lives to Christ, making disciples and living a life worthy of His praise will be the most significant achievement of a lifetime (Philippians 1:27-30). If never done before, this week, consciously tell someone of Christ’s good news and worship God daily (Psalms 22:3).
Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty – Joachim Neander (1680)
1. Father, give me the grace to live a holy life and to make heaven at last.
2. I refuse to live a life of vanity; I shall live a life of praise and make an impact on my generation.
The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com
All rights reserved. This material and other digital content on this blog cannot be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from THE FOOD OF CHAMPIONS (thefoodofchampions@gmail.com)




#Praise and #Worship
Bible Texts: 1 Chronicles 28:20, Psalms 27:1, 46:1-11, Isaiah 40:28-31, 1 Corinthians 16:13, Hebrews 13:5-6, 2 Timothy 1:7.
Deuteronomy 31:3-8 (6)
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (NIV)
1. Father, I thank You for preserving my life, health, security, friendship and daily bread, in Jesus’ name.
2. I resign from anything that does not bring glory to God (confess). Please, Lord, forgive and restore me to Your agenda, in Jesus’ name.
3. I release myself from every foundational, internal and external cause of problems in my lineage, in Jesus’ name.
4. Father, endow me with the strength to confront the adversary, peace when trouble comes and calm in the storm, in Jesus’ name.
5. Thou unshaken faith of God, possess my life today and forever, in Jesus’ name.
6. In the mighty name of Jesus, I receive:
A. Divine courage to ‘mount up with wings like eagles’ and;
B. The confidence and accuracy to run without fainting.
7. I may be a black or white man/woman, but in the name of Jesus, the forces of my territory shall not limit my global expansion.
8. Satanic camp of fear, worry and anxiety, trapping my life and destiny. Today! I release myself by the help of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
9. Lord Jesus, help me to put my trust in You alone but never to despise the man You are raising for my favour, in Jesus’ name.
10. Every battle of addiction, immorality, slavery and ancestral evil pattern, going on in my mind, cease now in the name of Jesus.
Beloved, let’s bless the name of the Lord, for instant answers to prayers. He’s a faithful and glorious Father. Thank Him for giving/restoring your courage. Hallelujah! Therefore, be at your local church today. You shall be richly blessed, in Jesus’ name.
The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com




Psalms 118:15
Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: “The LORD’s right hand has done mighty things! (NIV)

Please pray with me as I’m going for an interview for the post of General Manager – Procurement in my organisation on Friday, 7th June 2019.

(We prayed along, and she sent the below):
PRAISE THE LORD – Help me praise the Lord. I have been newly appointed as the General Manager – Procurement. God has been faithful to me, indeed.

— Sis. Peace. M (Botswana)

A friend told me about your prayer ministry, and l told her I would like to join. My husband’s promotion has been long overdue, but after the (October) 3 days’ fasting and prayer programme, he got his long-awaited elevation. Indeed, our Lord is great. May His name be praised forever. Thank you, Bro. God bless you.

– Sis. Oruma. A (Nigeria)

Good morning my brother. Thanks for the tireless work you are doing for Jesus. May He greatly bless you. I’m currently at school and need prayers because something seems to be blocking the payment of my college fees. Each time my facilitator is about to get paid, to settle my case, his payment is always postponed. It’s now eight months, and it’s giving me a hard time in school. I’m supposed to start my exams on the 13th of November. But, this issue is threatening my progression. Please, pray along with me.

(After we prayed)
Thanks for your prayers. Just yesterday, when I was weary and nearly hopeless, my need was fulfilled. God raised a hand to clear my fees. I’m very grateful. Glory to God. Amen!

– Bro. Erionu. B (Uganda)

Beloved, let nobody, situation or the devil tell you that your God is slow to uplift you (Isaiah 55:7-13). God knows what He is doing! If He did it in the days of old and still repeating His wonders in our dispensation, then your story too shall receive divine touch today, in Jesus’ name. However, are you righteous? Because according to our text, it’s only in the tents of the saved that joys get found. Therefore, if need be, give your all to Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17).


1. Thank God for these powerful testimonies.

2. Father, please transform my point(s) of ridicule to references of glory and praise.


The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Website: http://www.thefoodofchampions.org
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com
Blog: http://www.themancalledkenny.wordpress.com


Sale (1)


John 14:5-7 (6)
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. (NLT)
It’s the last Friday in July as we all connect to our places of engagement (work, school, shopping, holidaying or resting indoors among other things). However, one thing is certain, that no matter how, where or the activities we engage in; we surely need something to move us to our destinations.
In essence, you and I are on a journey which has both tarred and untarred roads (sound and false doctrines), bridges (visions), highways (good times) and bus-stops (challenges) which all determines our state of arrival (eternity). No wonder, Jesus, responding to Thomas in our Bible text; said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’. In other words, He is the road map to the Father (Heaven— John 10:9) and the stabiliser in times of storm (Mark 4:35-41). He is also the carrier (legs, coach, aeroplane or ship) which connects us to our destiny through the Holy Spirit (The Pilot— John 14:26).
If we are to live a purposeful, fruitful and fulfilled life, we need Christ as the vehicular force that runs our lives (John 15:5-8). Therefore, if you are yet to surrender to Jesus, do it now! He is knocking at your door (Revelations 3:20)
Song: Come Work With Me — Marcia Providence (2005)
1. Father, I acknowledge that I’m limited but ‘Thou art strong’. Please, take over every aspect of my life (spiritual and physical).
2. Lord, cover my nakedness and help me fulfil my destiny.
The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com
All rights reserved. This material and other digital content on this blog cannot be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from THE FOOD OF CHAMPIONS (thefoodofchampions@gmail.com)




Colossians 4:2-6 (2)
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. (NIV)
Prayer opens every door and gives access to the secret places (Daniel 2:22). Moreover, the whole essence of our creation is to fellowship with God while fulfilling destiny (Genesis 3:8A), and prayer provides that platform. In that, it’s a two-way wireless communication which enables us to table our supplications to God with a response through the Holy Spirit when we are patient and attentive (Romans 8:26-27).
Beloved, to achieve anything concrete in life and the year, we need to live a life of prayer. Oh! Prayer is not accessed based on our status; instead, it can empower the weak (poor) above the powerful (rich). For example, it was through prayer that Elisha got spiritual insight to see and trap his captors (2 Kings 6:8-23). Similarly, prayer influences the physical from the spiritual. We saw an excellent example in Paul and Silas who resorted to singing and praying when jailed so that there was a sudden earthquake which broke their chains and prison gate (Acts 16:16-40).
Conclusively, as our Bible text reads, prayer is not only a compulsion (Luke 18:1-8), but there are also dangers when we fail to pray. A ‘Prayerless Christian’ is like a toothless lion which can be caged, tamed and killed anytime (Mark 14:38). No wonder, 1 Timothy 5:5B talks about continuity in prayer. We must stay active and never cease to pray!
Do you have the consciousness and place of prayer? (Psalms 91:1) Remember, Jesus went into a secret place to pray (Gethsemane, Matthew 26:36). You need to be alert and separated for prayers because God recognises the time and altar of devotion (2 Chronicles 7:15). Above all, get ‘Born Again’, for, sin is a barrier! (Lamentations 3:44)
Hymn: Sweet Hour of Prayer – William W. Walford (1845)
1. Father! Deliver me from complacency, equip my spiritual (prayer) life to pray without ceasing.
The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com
All rights reserved. This material and other digital content on this blog cannot be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from THE FOOD OF CHAMPIONS (thefoodofchampions@gmail.com)




Ephesians 2:8-9 (8)
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: (KJV)
Despite God’s unhappiness with man’s wickedness, a man called Noah found grace (Genesis 6:5-22 (8) so that the Lord confided in him to build an ark and established His covenant with him (vs 18). Similarly, Jacob said in Genesis 33:10-11, ‘I have seen the face of God, and He was pleased with me. He dealt graciously with me because I have enough’. No wonder, he got their father’s blessings in place of Esau. Furthermore, Joseph went from slavery to becoming a Governor in a strange land, simply because, the Lord was with him, and found grace in the sight of Pharaoh (Acts 7:9-10).
Beloved, when you find grace, you obtain mercy, after which favour starts to operate in your life. Oh! How many of us need God’s grace? We all do! But maybe life hasn’t been going to plan, you have fasted and prayed all to no avail. Eh! You need the ‘Grace of God’, and I decree! This month, that grace shall take you to the peak of your divine existence, in Jesus’ name. However, our Bible text tells us it is by this same grace that we got saved through our faith. In other words, the first step to enjoying the maximum benefit of grace (Christ), is to get saved by it (Accept Jesus! (2 Corinthians 5:17). After this, you must not continue in sin; for, ‘Grace is not a passport to reckless living’ (Romans 6:1-2).
Hymn: Amazing Grace – John Newton (1779)
1. Father, please endow me with Your grace so I shall lack no more, spiritually, physically, financially…
The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com
All rights reserved. This material and other digital content on this blog cannot be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from THE FOOD OF CHAMPIONS (thefoodofchampions@gmail.com)




Matthew 14:22-33 (29)
“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. (NIV)
Several years ago, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E. A Adeboye was driving from the east to Lagos. At midway, he noticed that his fuel gauge had dropped to empty. Initially, he had thought he would get petrol on the way only to discover there was fuel scarcity. That moment, the Lord spoke to him, “Son, take your eyes off the gauge.”
Beloved, our God is the ‘Possessor’ of the universe (Genesis 14:19); and because He created the natural resources, He can quickly refine (command) them for our use. Little wonder, He told Peter to walk on the sea and instructed the birds to feed Elijah (1 Kings 17:1-6). But then, it takes men of great faith to have believed and walked by God’s instructions despite opposing reality. Come to think of it! If Pastor Adeboye had persisted on looking at the gauge, he probably wouldn’t have gotten home that day just as Peter lost faith and began to sink in our Bible text.
I might not know what your situation is right now, but God is saying, ‘Take your eyes off it’, or what can worry add to your life? (Matthew 6:25-34). Divert your thoughts from those issues (problem) and look up to Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). He will help you! (Isaiah 41:10-14). Oh! Maybe you are about giving up. Don’t quit! Instead, pray more (Proverbs 24:10), your miracles are at your doorsteps. Be Born Again!
Hymn: Trust and Obey — John H. Sammis (1887)
1. Father, I thank You for yet another day.
2. Lord Jesus! Please, forgive my doubts and help me to trust in Thee at all times.
3. Father, You said I should take my eyes off my challenges. Therefore, in Your mercy, take over my life, career, marriage… (Mention).
The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
Email: thefoodofchampions@gmail.com
All rights reserved. This material and other digital content on this blog cannot be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from THE FOOD OF CHAMPIONS (thefoodofchampions@gmail.com)


father and daughter silhouette


Psalms 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (NIV)
The difference between the victors and victims, is that they made God their pillar. Of a fact, life could sometimes be daunting, but having God as our backbone guarantees a glorious future. Proverbs 18:10 tells us that, “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (KJV). In other words, there is ‘safety and strength in the Lord! No wonder, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow to the golden image because they had God as their confidence.
Beloved, when God is your confidence, He makes every challenge a stepping stone to greater height such as the three Hebrews (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) were eventually promoted (vs. 30). Furthermore, when God is your backbone, it doesn’t matter how many are against you, you can ‘confront to conquer’. For example, after Goliath boasted against Israel, only David could dare him because he had God as his defence (1 Samuel 17). And Goliath fell by a single stone. Eh! I decree, every giant blocking your glory, shall die, in Jesus’ name.
Therefore, what are the battles you are fighting? (Sicknesses and demonic attacks). Perhaps, the enemy had mocked you– whatever it is! Just hold on and trust in the Lord as our Bible text reads; for, He shall turn the tide in your favour. Hence, you will call on Jesus now, however are you Born Again?
Hymn: O God, Our Help in Ages Past – Isaac Watts (1719)
1. Lord Jesus! I surrender all to You today, please be my backbone; to overcome all my challenges (mention).
The Food of Champions © 2019
Twitter: Kenny_daine
All rights reserved. This material and other digital content on this blog cannot be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from THE FOOD OF CHAMPIONS (thefoodofchampions@gmail.com)
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