

Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
A scorpion, being a very poor swimmer asked a turtle to carry him on his back across a river. “Do you think I’m stupid?” exclaimed the turtle. “You’ll sting me while I am swimming and I will drown.” “My dear turtle,” laughed the scorpion, “if I were to sting you, you would drown and I would go down with you. Now where is the logic in that?” (Psalms 55:21). “You’re right!” reasoned the turtle. “Hop on!” The scorpion climbed aboard and halfway across the river it gave the turtle a mighty sting. Hmm…
As they both sank to the bottom, the turtle despairingly said: “Do you mind if I ask you something? You said there would be no logic in your stinging me. Why did you do it?” (Proverbs 26:24). “It has nothing to do with logic” the drowning scorpion sadly replied. “IT IS JUST MY CHARACTER” (Author unknown). Beloved, so it is with some humans. No matter how nice or good you maybe to them, it is just in their nature and lifestyle to sting (betray, rob, gossip, backbite, cheat, hurt, kill, blackmail…) for no reason (Genesis 6:5). And so, I pray that the Lord shall deliver us from such scorpions, in Jesus’ name.
Therefore, when they sting you, don’t stop loving, caring and praying for them. Sooner they will discover that hatred never wins (Romans 12:20). Be Born Again!
1. Father, if I’m the scorpion please forgive me, purify me and create in me a clean heart.
2. Father, encourage every doer of good to continue irrespective of betrayal and attacks.
3. Father, give me a discerning spirit to see and detect the wicked and their wickedness.
ARE YOU A JUDAS (betrayer) OR A JESUS (love unconditionally)?
The Food of Champions © 2017
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