Bible Text: John 9:1-11 (6)

In the beginning, God created man in His own likeness (Genesis 1:26-28) and therefore has the power to remould us (Isaiah 64:8), reset, correct or make as new any part of the body already tampered with by nature, accident, evil manipulation or repercussion of sins. In today’s reading, the blind man as well as the lame man at the beautiful gate (Acts 3:1-10) were both born as disabled (natural causes). But, because our God is the great sculptor, He designed a new set of eyes and caused the man to walk respectively. I pray! Every hidden or noticeable disability in your life shall receive divine touch today in Jesus’ name.

In the aspect of manipulation and accidents, in 2 Kings 5:1-19, Namaan who had leprosy got a creative miracle of a new skin. Similarly, we have had cases of terminal diseases, change of genotype, cancerous organs, spinal injuries and body parts already damaged being totally healed or replaced. For example, a brother had a terrible auto crash that one of his hands became shorter than the other but during a powerful crusade the hand physically grew back to normal. Eh! I decree, every error in your blood or health shall be correctly restored, in Jesus’ name.

Therefore, beloved have you been diagnosed of any terminal, strange or biological deficiencies for which you desire healing? Be it Asthma, brain damage- short memory, broken bones, heart seizure, cancer, hypertension, migraine, kidney or abnormalities in reproductive organs; name them. This day, you’ll cry out like Bartimaeus (Mark. 10:46-52), because the master originator is here ready to give you new parts (Exodus 15:26). However, you must first genuinely surrender to Him to qualify for His creative wonders. Be Born Again!


1. Thank God for a new day and favoured week ahead.

2. Daddy, do a CREATIVE MIRACLE in my life TODAY. Please! Give me a new set of eyes, heart and brain… (Mention), in Jesus’ name.

3. Father, use me as Your vessel to win souls, heal the sick and to set captives free.


The Food of Champions © 2017
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