

Matthew 19:21-30 (30)
But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

Of whose benefit shall it be accorded if a man has lived righteously but lost eternity? (1 Corinthians 10:12). It’s a tragedy! On the other hand, someone who has been a sinner, carnal minded, rapist, cultist, sex-worker, herbalist, or even a condemned criminal who caused many sorrows and pains could still make it through to heaven (Luke 23:32-43). No wonder, a pastor once said that ‘the worst thing that can ever happen to a Christian is to be killed suddenly by a witch because you might be caught unawares (Luke 21:34), while the killer may repent and end well’.

In Luke 16:19-31, Lazarus fed from the leftovers of a rich man and one day they both died that Lazarus made it to heaven while the rich man went to hell. Meaning that, ‘the well-known chairman of the church’s harvest committee may end up in perdition (Matthew 19:23-24), while that poverty stricken fellow in the congregation might be the genuinely saved one’ (Luke 21:1-4). Just as the Pharisee and the publican (sinner) went to pray. The humble publican prayed for mercy while the so-called holy man (Pharisee) prayed by shouting and condemning others. Hence, the publican was justified over him (Luke 18:9-14).

Beloved, we need to be conscious and cautious of our steps daily by setting the Holy Spirit as our screener (1 Corinthians 6:19). Because! No matter how spiritual you might think to be, just a little error could make an eternal difference. Take heed! What are those tiny sins you count as nothing (Hebrews 12:1), you’ll abstain from them lest they drag you to hell (Romans 6:23) Oh! Maybe you’re that fellow, who has been disgraced and neglected because of your bad past, don’t give up the hope, you can still be that ‘Bad man in Heaven’, if you’ll surrender wholeheartedly to Christ today!


1. Father, I repent/rededicate my life today. Please, write my name in the book of life and help me never to end this race in damnation.

2. You spirit of religiousness! (No genuine conviction in Christ), I cast you out of my life, vicinity and the church.

“The top racer may come last while the last can still end up a winner. Watch it!”

The Food of Champions © 2017
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Twitter: Kenny_daine
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