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Bible Text: Exodus 19:9-11

Bro. Peter laboured all night and couldn’t catch a single fish. But, when he met with the one who made the sea and universe, he got the transformation of a lifetime (Luke 5:1-11). Likewise, Saul, a devilish oppressor of Christians was on his way to Damascus when he had an encounter with the Lord. Hence, his name was changed to Paul (Acts 9:1-22), and later became one of the greatest apostles (1 Corinthians 15:9-10).

Beloved, “without a personal experience with God such as Moses constantly had, you’ll lack divine direction”. Yes! Because, you are yet to know of God’s purpose and agenda for your life or assignment. About a year ago, a policeman came to us after he was sacked for bribery. And so, we gave him a few prayer points which led him into a personal encounter with God.

Consequently, he discovered his spiritual gifting and got a change of story that someone gave him a car gift to start business. I’m praying for you that the good problem that will move you to fulfilling God’s purpose in your generation shall happen to you, in Jesus’ name. Therefore, “the reason you haven’t been successful in that career, trade or dubious acts might be because God wants an encounter with you”. Discover your purpose today and be genuinely Born Again!


1. Father, please give me a life-changing encounter with You today, in Jesus name.

2. Father, I’m ready to obey and serve You. Please, help me fulfil my destiny, in Jesus’ name.


The Food of Champions (c) 2017
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Twitter: Kenny_daine
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