

Bible Text: Genesis 37, 45:1-28 (26)

To mark the 20th memorial anniversary of the 34 who lost their lives and several injured in the racial brutality of 1943 in America, an estimated crowd of 125,000 marched towards the Detroit’s Woodward Avenue with placards, singing “We Shall Overcome One Day”. At this “Walk to Freedom of 1963, Rev. (Dr) Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a lifelong memorable speech, “I Have a Dream” where he predicted an America that is free of racial inequality (black man in the White House) because at the time the blacks dare not sit where a white stands in public.

This speech drew many attentions as it sounded too absurd to believe because there were no signs of hope. But today, has it not come to pass? Eh! I pray, all your good wishes for this year shall manifest, in Jesus’ name. Why? Because, “The worst thing that can ever happen to a man is not to have a dream. And so, what are your set-out plans? If any! Don’t allow sin and fear of past failures to hijack them because the great men of today once had and still have dreams. You too can dream it!

Beloved, who says you can’t still rewrite your family’s history? If that popular comedian who was extremely poor that he hung on buses because he had no dime to pay could now be celebrated and honoured with a day called “Basket-mouth Day” in the city of Texas, then those your dreams are still a possibility (Isaiah 41:10-13). How? Because, God is the fulfiller of dreams as demonstrated in America and in the life of Joseph in today’s reading. Therefore, you too want to pray about those your dreams of genuine salvation and souls saving ministry, Godly wealth, open doors and marriage this year. Don’t limit yourself!

Sometimes, God gives revelations about life through dreams and visions”. Be Born Again!


1. Father! You that fulfilled Joseph’s dreams, please fulfil mine too this month (Mention)

2. Lord! Please, save my loved ones and I from every dream and destiny killer.

3. Daddy! Surprise me this week and let me overflow in all joys.


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