

Bible Text: Luke 8:22-25

No one is free from the trials of life as this is not our home (John 16:33). We all are on a journey and as a traveller would equip himself so are we expected to fend off the stormy wind (Ephesians 6:10-18), just as that day when Jesus was asleep on the ship during the hurricane that His disciples thought they would perish and they quickly had to wake Him up, and the bible tells us that immediately, Jesus rebuked the wind and restored a great calm. And so, I decree to every storm in your life, peace be still, in Jesus’ name.

Beloved, whatever it is that you might be going through at the moment, the Holy Spirit wants us to know that the difference between safe arrivals and aborted journeys is ‘if you have Jesus in your boat’ (Isaiah 43:2). Because, He’s the strong tower (Proverbs 18:10). For example, in Matthew 7:24-27, it was those who made Him their foundation that stood the test of time, for when Jesus is present in your life’s situations amidst challenges, disappointment, lack, marital delays and trials, victory is always certain (Romans 8:28). Learn to trust Him!

If you are not Born Again, Jesus cannot stay in your boat (Isaiah 59:1-2)


1. Father, I thank You because I’m still standing. Please, forgive all my sins.

2. Every storm, assigned to bury me, I rebuke you, cease!

3. Lord, I have been so troubled. Please, help my unbelief and destroy every unprofitable appetite in me.


The Food of Champions (c) 2017
Pin: 7EEF76A4
Twitter: Kenny_daine




Bible Text: Genesis 32:22-32
There was a boy who was destined for greatness but because his mother gave birth to him at a time when everything looked upside. As a result, she named him Jabez which means, “Child of Sorrow”. But, this man cried out to God and retrieved his destiny (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). Similarly, there was this brother who seemed to be very rich and robust to everyone but was actually suffering that no one would help him. Consequently, he prayed, and God revealed that his problems was as a result of his name. After much investigations, he discovered that one of his names meant “a man suffering but shining”.
Beloved, I pray today that every unfavorable names or nickname given to you and I, shall be destroyed by fire, in Jesus’ name. Therefore, what are your names? Do you know their core meanings and purpose for your life? Because, many destinies have been thwarted due to their contrary identification. However, there is good news this morning which is that you can fight (pray) your way out such as Jacob got a change of name to Israel and Saul transformed to Paul (Acts 13:9). Oh! Maybe you have been labelled with a sinful, past and shameful name. If you’ll accept Christ today, He’ll give you a new name and life (2 Corinthians 5:17). Be Born Again!
1. My original, sacrificed on the altar of demonic names and glory manipulation, come alive and be released!
2. Heavenly Father, lay Your hands on me to bless me and enlarge my coast so that no evil would befall me.
3. Lord, if need be, give me a new name!
The Food of Champions (c) 2017
Pin: 7EEF76A4
Twitter: Kenny_daine





Topic: A New Thing

Bible Text: Isaiah 43:16-19
#Praise and #Worship
1. Father, I bless Your holy name for all You have done and still doing in my life and family.
2. Father, have Your way in my life and forgive all my sins and trespasses, in Jesus’ name.
3. Father, let Your blood cleanse every abnormalities and reproach in my life today, in Jesus’ name.
4. Father, before this month is over. Please, do a new thing in my life, family, business and career, in Jesus’ name.
5. Father, a miracle that will be too hard to believe. Please, do it in my situation this week (mention), in Jesus’ name.
6. Old records, outdated achievements and curses, hindering my progress and prosperity, expire in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, old anointing cannot sustain my life, career and ministry. Give me a fresh fire, in Jesus’ name.
8. Ancestral covenants, tying me down to sicknesses, poverty, late or wrong marriage (mention). Break by fire, in Jesus’ name.
9. I decree! Before the end of this January. Something glorious shall happen in my life and home, in Jesus’ name.
10. Where is the Lord God of Elijah. Arise! Do a new thing in our nations, families and churches, in Jesus’ name.
Begin to thank God for the new things He has started in your life, and be at your local church as we worship Him in the beauty of His holiness.
The Food of Champions (c) 2017
Pin: 7EEF76A4
Twitter: Kenny_daine




Bible Text: Psalms 150
1. This is to testify that our God will always keep His promises. For 3 years I was not working and He never put me to shame. Though, I was frustrated but prayers and singing kept me in line with God, and to the glory of His holy name I got a call from a friend who asked if I was interested in working for a company which was just opening.
Consequently, I only sent out an email and I got the job so much that even the manager recommended me for another position. God is the master planner. Hallelujah!
– Bro. Ebenezer. F, UK
2. January 11 this year I took a decision to do a 10-day fasting and prayers from 6-12, and I thank God that it was successful.
Today is the 10th and last day and has I broke the fast at 12 noon, around 5-6pm I received a phone call that I should come for a job that was waiting for me. Who has the final say? Jesus!
– Bro. Ukum. E, Cameroon
I participated in the last 3 days fasting and prayer and specifically, my prayers were for total restoration in every area of my life and my children’s. My testimony goes thus: on Tuesday 2nd January, my daughter’s purse containing her NYSC, university and department. I.D. cards, 2 ATM cards and some cash got missing while traveling.
We prayed for restoration and to the glory of God, on the 6th January, 2017, someone called me to ask if I was the next of kin to her and that she found the cards placed on a stone along the NYSC sectariat in the city. Praise ye the Lord!!!
– Mrs. Isiaka. O, Nigeria
Beloved, mighty is our God and greatly to be praised. What a glorious Father He is and to Him be all the glories. And so, let’s make it a habit to constantly tell others what marvelous things He hath done for us because by so doing we lift their faiths (Mark 5:19-20). Therefore, maybe there are still one or two things you are looking up to God for. Relax! Because, as we pray believing today (Mark 9:23), you too shall receive your testimonies, in Jesus’ name. Be Born Again!
1. Thank God for these humbling testimonies even as you receive yours.
2. Father, please reverse the irreversible and turn my shame to glory, in Jesus’ name.
You can also share your testimonies to bless mankind via: ( or




Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
The tongue is so powerful such that a word that comes out of it could have great impacts. Come to think of it! Why then do we languish in pains when we can speak to situations? (Job 22:28). Therefore, what is that issue of concern troubling your mind? Is it about your health, spiritual life, finances, getting married or being fruitfulness? Oh! I don’t even have a good job to keep body and soul. Whatever the case may be, at least you still have a life and a mouth to speak. And so, why not engage the Word and decree the positives as of that Shunammite woman? (2 Kings 4:16-37). Because, “no one will love you than yourself; use what you have to get what you want!”
Beloved, this year, you’ll use your tongue to beautify your life by confessing whatever you desire (Matthew 7:7). I mean, you’ll begin to encourage yourself in those stormy circumstances just as David did (1 Samuel 30:6). Yes! You’ll speak strength in times of weakness (Joel 3:10B). Health in sickness (Exodus 15:26, Jeremiah 30:17 and Isaiah 53:5). Wealth (having paid your tithes diligently and working hard) in lack and poverty (Haggai 2:6-8). Fruitfulness in dryness (Genesis 1:28 and Exodus 23:26), and even pray your way to freedom whenever you are in bondage (Psalms 24).
“You can choose to control the future by what you say and act. Engage the Word today and reap the benefits”.
Be Born Again!
1. Father, grant me the grace to speak, walk and work according to Your purpose for me.
2. Arrows of untimely death, fired into my life, family and the church. Catch fire and return to sender.
3. Begin to decree into those hard situations that has taken away your peace!
The Food of Champions (c) 2017
Pin: 7EEF76A4
Twitter: Kenny_daine




Mark 10:46-52 (48)
And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.
Mr. Bartimaeus only heard that Dr. Jesus was passing by, and of course because he was tired of his current state of begging and living in darkness, therefore he began to cry out loud until he was noticed. Similarly, the woman in Luke 8:43-48 must have determined that enough was enough of her 12 years blood issue before she could summon her faith to touch Jesus. Oh! It must also have taken men who were totally dissatisfied with their friend’s critical condition to have broken the roofs just for him to be healed by Jesus (Mark 2:1-12).
Beloved, I may not know what your own case is; peradventure you have been delayed, denied, molested, jobless, sick or a marriageable single? If you’ll determine today that “Enough” of this reproach just as done by Bro. Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, then you’ll break through. And that’s why you and I will cry out to God desperately this morning and He shall hearken unto us (Jeremiah 33:3). However, remember that, “your solution lies within you; it’s a matter of if you are comfortable or tired of situations around you”.
Therefore, if you are not yet born again, the first step is to surrender to Jesus so that He can save you from eternal damnation and also hear your prayers (Isaiah 59:1-2)
1. Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that only You can save. Therefore, I repent of all my sins. Please, forgive me and write my name in the book of life.
2. Father, just as You did in the days of old and till date, please make my own case (mention) a major faith-boosting testimony.
3. I … (name), refuse to be depressed, confused, lose hope and self-value. Instead! I shall excel, shine, prosper and lend to nations (Begin to prophesy – Proverbs 23:7A and Job 22:28)
The Food of Champions (c) 2017
Pin: 7EEF76A4
Twitter: Kenny_daine
WhatsApp: +447442419651




Bible Text: Philippians 4:8-9

Mr. & Mrs. Eddy had been married for years with no children which prompted Mr. Eddy to marry a 2nd wife despite being jobless due to laziness. Consequently, he decides to offer his 1st wife whom they have both suffered together for money rituals, and while taking her to the herbalist, he lied to her that she would be undergoing a spiritual cleansing for fruitfulness. So happy the Mrs. was, that she thought “Hmm.. my husband loves me”. Therefore, every morning, as a cultured woman, she would clean up the herbalist’s house and even wash their clothes.

One day, the herbalist and his wife were touched by her gestures and asked if she knew the genuine reason of her stay with them. Quickly, Mrs. Eddy knelt down as usual and said, it’s for my fruitfulness. Hence, they revealed her husband’s devilish plans and then gave her a few strategies in which she succeeded in placing the already prepared calabash on her husband’s head instead, and Mr. Eddy, the greedy man became the hunted.

What am I driving at? It’s that:

1. Don’t be lazy (Proverbs 21:25)

2. No matter the condition, love your spouse (Ephesians 5:22-33).

3. If polygamy or polyandry doesn’t kill you, it may ruin your children’s destinies (1 Timothy 3:2)

4. Adultery is sinful (Exodus 20:14, 17, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

5. There is no gain in money rituals (1 Timothy 6:10) or theft (Exodus 20:15) except death (Romans 6:23).

6. No matter how hard the situation is, your attitude and behaviour will always save you (1 Peter 3:13).

7. Be Born Again (Proverbs 14:34)


1. Heavenly Father, please help me to amend my ways, if need be and guide my path to eternity.


The Food of Champions © 2017
Pin: 7EEF76A4
Twitter: Kenny_daine


Let go of those bad habits


Bible Text: Ephesians 4:22-24
Over the years whilst growing up we knowingly or unconsciously formed certain behaviours which has now become a part and parcel of us (Proverbs 22:6). Hence, we may need a self-check and re-evaluation in order to get rid of the bad habits while we retain and build on the good ones. What are those bad habits you are struggling with which has hindered your physical and spiritual growth?
Are they: disobedience to God and elders, poor time-keeping and management, bad eating and table manners, pride, pornography, masturbation, homosexuality, pre/post-marital sex and, the commonest which is ‘telling lies’, as many children now grow up as well-trained liars. Oh! How do I know? When your parents tells you to inform visitors that they are not home. Isn’t that a lie or you call it ‘a white-lie’ and being diplomatic? Beloved, all these petty bad morals amongst others will never allow complete righteousness and productivity in a man’s life (Song of Solomon 2:15).
Therefore, today’s reading encourages us to do away with our old and unpleasant ways because when a man is in Christ, all his past are blotted out and he’s now a new being (2 Corinthians 5:17). Nevertheless, are you out there battling with some habits which you are ready to let go but keeps coming back? If any! Then, today is your day of salvation because as we pray, the Lord shall grant you the grace and empowerment for a new life. Moreover, avoid things and people that encourage those habits, and look up to God (Hebrews 12:1-2)
1. Father, thank You for my existence and sanity.
2. Father, forgive my sins and destroy every immoral life pattern in me.
3. Holy Spirit, give me a new lifestyle, fear of God and mentality (mention) and be my watch to teach me the way to go always.
The Food of Champions (c) 2017
Pin: 7EEF76A4
Twitter: Kenny_daine




Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest
Mr. Andrew was complaining bitterly to God that his cross (difficulties) was too heavy to carry. God being a merciful Father said to him, go into that room and pick a smaller cross. After searching for several hours, he saw huge and heavier crosses, and almost getting tired he suddenly discovered a very tiny cross leaning at the top corner, so happy he was that he quickly picked it up and told God, “I have found the lightest cross”. And God replied, “Son, that was the same cross you complained about”. Friend! What are you unhappy about? If it were possible to view others problems, you’ll discover that your problems are just too minor.
Beloved, do you actually know that many had wished to be alive but are no more? Oh! Maybe you need to know how many potentials are lying unfulfilled in the graves. But, in spite of that, you and I still have the life (Ecclesiastes 9:4). Therefore, irrespective of those challenges about getting a job, visas, businesses, health, marriage or your present condition, always remember that it’s just for a season, your Sun will shine again (Psalms 30:5B, Romans 8:28). Moreover, “when there’s life, there’s hope”. And so, refuse to give up now! Because, your cross is way too small for God to handle.
If only you will hold on to Him in your trial season, then you will soon testify! However, you need to surrender all to Jesus, let Him take good care of all your life’s issues. Be Born Again!
1. Father, please rescue my life from destiny and glory hunters
2. Lord, wipe away every secret tears in my life and family. Let us sing a new song.
3. Tell God about your issues now. He will help you!
The Food of Champions (c) 2017
Pin: 7EEF76A4
Twitter: Kenny_daine




Topic: Breaking Foundational Problems and Embargoes.
Bible Text: Psalms 11:3, 34:19, Isaiah 49:24-26, Hebrews 9:22
1. Father, I thank thee for life, provision, love and grace upon my life, family, church and nation.
2. Merciful Father, I repent and ask that You forgive all my sins and atrocities, in Jesus’ name.
3. Fire of God, visit my foundation and uproot every stain, embargo and manipulation, in Jesus’ name.
4. Father, if need be. Please, reset or revive the divine cause of my existence, in Jesus’ name.
5. Lord, make me useful and profitable for the kingdom ministry and to my generation, in Jesus’ name.
6. Foundational problems and consequences of the evil deeds of my ancestors, harassing my life. Break in Jesus’ name.
7. Foundational barrier and family patterns, affecting my getting married, fruitfulness and prosperity. Break by fire, in Jesus’ name.
8. Demonic attachments and soul-tie with the idols and powers of my family shrine. Catch fire and release me, in Jesus’ name.
9. Satanic agents assigned to renew evil and ancestral covenants in my life, consciously or in the dream. Scatter and die, in Jesus’ name.
10. Evil covenants and ancestral food in my body. As I drink the blood of Jesus, be dissolved and come out as a waste, in Jesus’ name.
(Say with me): Father, I thank You for my freedom and instant answers to prayers. Therefore, I decree:
I… (name), shall not suffer what my parents experienced. Rather, by the blood of Jesus I shall liberate my lineage from poverty, generational curses and barriers, in Jesus’ name.
Every limitations are broken forever, in Jesus’ name. Therefore, don’t bring them back through sin and your old ways (2 Corinthians 5:17). You are set free! Be at the church this morning as we worship God and celebrate our liberation.
The Food of Champions (c) 2017
Pin: 7EEF76A4
Twitter: Kenny_daine
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