

Deuteronomy 1:1-46 (37)
Also the LORD was angry with me for your sakes, saying,Thou also shalt not go in thither.


God created every being including man. He loved us so much that He gave his only son to save us (John 3:16). However, do you know God can also be angry? I pray! You shall not see His wrath in Jesus name. The Israelites moved from Egypt amidst murmurings (Numbers 14:2), hence one day Moses got provoked and overreacted (Numbers 20:1-11) then, God spoke: Thou shall not go in thither into the promise land (vs. 12). Anger and Disobedience!

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January, 1985 Tancredo Neves became Brazilian President. But, he was said to have made a statement during his campaign, saying if he got 500,000 votes, “Not even ‘God’ can remove him”. Yes! He got them, but became sick and died a month into his presidency. Oh! God resists the proud (Proverbs 8:13, 16:18-19), just as the rich fool (Luke 12:13-21). Watch It! When God is angry, His enemies scatter, flee and melt as wax (Psalms 68:1-2). Why? Because, He’s a consuming fire (Deuteronomy 4:24).


Therefore, who are God’s enemies? They are those that rebel against His children. How? If you live rightly and He delights in you (Jeremiah 15:16), then your enemies are His enemy (Psalms 35, Isaiah 49:25 B). Remember, He killed all the first born in Egypt (Exodus 12:29-30). Today! God shall consume your Pharaoh by fire in Jesus name. But! Are you His Child? If you still bask in Sin, God is indeed not happy with you (Proverbs 14:34) and you operate under closed heavens (Isaiah 59:1-2).


Friend! You cannot serve two masters. Be a friend of God today, so He can take over your battles. As you sign up or rededicate for JESUS, you shall never know sorrow again. You will pray!


» Thank God for a new week and His fresh word today.

» Father, I can’t stand your wrath, please have Mercy and Forgive me of… (Mention)

» Arise oh Lord! This week, fight and destroy all my enemies


Author: The Food of Champions

A true lover of Christ and a testimony of the Divine grace and manifestation of God's power in our generation. Kehinde Abolarin is a man who has had several encounters with God. He's a dedicated end-time soldier of Christ who gets first-hand instructions and inspiration from God. His Holy Spirit's-inspired messages, motivational video posts, inspirational quotes and daily devotionals have touched many globally with instant proofs and testimonies. By Divine conviction, He believes that God has sent him to showcase the manifestation of His power in this present time through the encouragement of the down and broken-hearted, giving messages of hope to the hopeless and neglected, healing, deliverance, prophecies and maintaining a healthy prayer life. CAREER (Personal Statement) I am passionate about the present-day young and energetic people with great potentials who found themselves in a world full of none or few resources to build their capacities. Having passed through the same stage (still developing myself) through the help of the most high (God), I think I have got the passion and charisma in creating, helping, empowering and merging talents together (also with collaboration with expertise in major fields) in creating a world of successful young talents and professionals. However, as an international business development manager with vast experience in various business sectors, I possess the qualities and experience needed in modern business industries, organisations and government parastatals in growing, marketing, negotiating and implementing both local and international business plans and projects.

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